We accept returns and refunds within 7 days for most items

We accept returns and refunds within 7 days for most items

We think your satisfaction is the most important thing for online shopping, so we accept returns and refunds within 7 days for most items.

How to return items
1. You can return items within 7 days after receiving them.
2. A few conditions: must be unused and in the original packaging.
3. How to return the product: Contact us to request a return.
4. You will receive your money is when we have verified that it meets the conditions and you will receive your refund within a few days.

Why do we do that?
Your satisfaction is the most important thing for us. We want you to be satisfied with your online shopping experience, and you can return the items.

Enjoy shopping online at our tarin.store store with a 7-day return policy.
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